1. Topic Area - World Cinema
2. Proposed title, question, hypothesis - How do western Audiences perceive th films of Takashi Miike and how does his films defien the Asia extreme genre?
3. Teacher approval granted, in principal? yes
4. Principle texts (if text based study) - Audition, Ichi The Killer, Dead or Alive
5. Reason for choice - Have an interest in the genre and the director
6. Academic context for this study (similar research, relevant theory, named theorists) - Need to do some reseach on this
7. Institutional context for this study (industry focus, other texts for comparison, named practitioners, relevant theory, issues, questions - need to do some research on this
8. Identify the audience context for this study (audience profile, access to audience, potential sample) - Male 18-25 year olds who are deemed the principle watchers of extreme cinema, and would be interestd to how watchers of western horror films would react to their eastern counterparts
9. How will the 4 key concepts be relevant to your study (audience, institution, forms and conventions, representation)? - How does the director represent violence in his films and what impact does he want on his audience, How do western audiences perceive the films of Miike Takashi,
10 Potential research sources (secondary): Japanese Horror Cinema by James Mcroy, The Midnight Eye nguide to New Japanese Film by Tom Mes, Outlaw master's of Japanese Film by Christopher Desjardins, Agitator: The Films oF Miike Takashi,
11. Potential research sources (primary): Questionnaire, Internet Forum, focus groups
12. Modifications agreed with your lead teacher
13. Potential limits/obstacles/problems? trying to organise focus groups
14. Teacher concerns
15. Teacher approval